I am a patient of Dr Stephen Fry, operator of Fry Labs in Scottsdale, AZ. The information I have is as I understood it by speaking with him directly. Much of what I believe is from assumption and is here to garner thought and opinions. Those assumptions are based on my living with this disease, and reading what I can find. I am not affiliated with any medical or research organization and what you read here should inspire your own discovery, but not lead you to believe that any of this is absolute knowledge.
First, a clarification. There are several Internet sources that refer to Fry Labs' FL1953 organism as protomyxozoa (note the O that follows the X). There is a fish parasite called myxozoa, and I assume this is the source of confusion. Myxozoa is a metazoa while protomyxzoa is a protozoa. The differences are vast. If you want to learn about eels then don't look up snakes. Please, Google responsibly.
Rheumatica refers to pain and swelling.
For the sake of this blog, protomyxzoa will also be labled as p-myxzoa.
The significant characteristics of protomyxzoa rheumatica:
Rather than a virus, or a bacteria which we think of when we consider illnesses, p-myxzoa is a protozoa, like an amoeba. It's classified as an animal, sometimes said as animal-like. It thrives in oxygen rich blood and thus enjoys surfing the circulatory system. You can deduce from this that p-mxzoa can go everywhere. It lives in small colonies surrounded by a biofilm. A biofilm is a protective layer p-myxzoa creates from our own body's fats and minerals. Our immune systems and antibiotics have a very difficult time penetrating the biofilm and thus p-myxzoa is very hard to kill.
P-myxzoa is a strong survivor with the ability to retreat into red blood cells and bone marrow where it hides from attacking autoimmune cells. As such it is mentioned as incurable. It is my belief from my own experience that this method of evasion can allow the host to feel completely healthy, perhaps for years, until p-myxzoa decides to emerge again.
I somehow got the notion it has a life cycle of about four weeks— lengthy for a microorganism. As it divides it becomes vulnerable.
It is capable of anchoring its protected colonies within blood vessels, perhaps at the mouth of smaller veins. The adverse effect of this is a reduction of oxygen to minor system areas due to blockage, and as I believe, also creates a competition for oxygen between the organism and body systems. It might further result in an increase in carbon dioxide levels; any animal that uses oxygen emits CO2. The body's reaction to increased CO2 is to constrict veins to reduce oxygen usage so CO2 levels will drop, further limiting oxygen to body systems. I believe it is this mechanism that causes all day tired fatigue, as well as an inherent restlessness.
Colonies are intended to grow. For this I assume there is a possibility of completely blocking a vein, cutting off oxygen to that body system but also to a good portion of the colony. When an organism is threatened it changes its operandi in favor of survival. An oxygen starved colony will break up due either to desperate flight of living organisms, or the rejection of dead organisms. This of course would restore blood flow to the endangered system. I believe this might be significant to a condition called transient ischemic attack or TIA, which appears as mini strokes. The condition is alleviated once the colony disperses.
Dr Fry has publicly stated that many of his patients with such diseases as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Attention Deficit, and more have tested positive for p-myxzoa, and he considers that my own ceiliac disease and hypothyroidism are also a direct result of the p-mxzoa infection.
P-myxzoa lives harmoniously with other protozoan organisms, as indicated by my positive tests for both protomxzoa and toxoplasma (gandii), but it is aggressive against bacteria and viruses. While my classmates were sick for days, I always got over cold and flu in a matter of hours...sick in the morning and playing happily in the afternoon. I suppose I can't blame my mother for thinking I just wanted to get out of school. To my recollection I have never had symptoms of a virus attack for an entire day.
Any organism must consume nourishment to sustain life. As yet, I am uncertain to the specific diet of p-myxzoa but it stands to reason that it would eat organic matter within body systems. I am certain p-myxzoa travels freely throughout the body, and as evident from my symptoms over the past ten years, it can even breach the blood-brain barrier, the body's natural firewall against inflammation of critical brain systems. This leads me to wonder if p-myxzoa is capable of consuming body tissue. Should it be, the list of illnesses it can cause is understandable, particularly with consideration to demyelinating diseases such as MS, Lupus, PLS and ALS.
A colony could interfere with nerve impulses in a number of ways including constriction and consumption. While this train of thought points more toward symptoms, which will be examined in a future entry, it is imperative to understand that a consuming, growing parasite that is without bounds can present an unending list of symptoms. It is another of my beliefs that favored vacation spots for p-myxzo is within preexisting and degenerative damage such as spinal compressions and fractures, making the effects of a minor condition more severe.
In breif:
- Protomyxzoa rheumatica is a protozoan parasite sometimes referred to as FL1953.
- Its existence is ancient, still it is largely unknown due to it's discovery being within the last twenty years.
- Although its DNA has now been mapped the CDC does not yet recognize it as a disease.
- Information is not readily available pending establishment of patents and credits.
- Detection is proprietary and 99% of doctors will have no clue to it's existence or where to go for testing. (Fry Labs, Scottsdale, AZ)
- Its symptoms are most often diagnosed as other illnesses.
- It is believed by some researchers that it will eventually prove to be one of the most common infections.
- It is a vector born parasite, meaning it can be passed by animal or insect, usually through direct contact with blood— most commonly, ticks and mosquitoes..
- Being a blood hosted organism, it is reasonable to assume that until it is widely known and tests are licensed that transfusion will be a source of infection.
- It may be dormant for years, making point of infection difficult to determine.
- It is difficult to treat and nearly impossible to eradicate.
- Treatment will take months or years to show results at which time it will be reduced but remain life long.
While all this seems overwhelming and horrifying, I believe in general, the body's natural defense system will not permit p-myxzoa to establish itself in most people. Proof of this is, while p-myxzoa is ancient, largely unknown, and easily transmittable, people continue to test negative for it. P-myxzoa is likely a co-infection depending on an already compromised immune system to flourish. My research into this parasite has suggested that those that have tested positive are usually also positive for other illnesses.
The ideas of 'incurable' and 'life long treatment' are daunting. But after getting p-myxzoa under control and symptoms subside, keeping it under control is a simple matter of an oral antibiotic once a week. Incurable means 'as yet incurable' and while it is a resourceful little bug, as we get stronger it gets weaker and in the chance that your body can kill those last few stragglers before they go underground, cured is a possibility even now.
Please continue to visit and comment as you see fit. Future blog entries will regard symptoms, treatments, diet, alternative treatments and more.